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“electrochemical cell”
electrochemical cell
1. A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy by passing current between a negative electrode and a positive electrode, through an ionically conducting electrolyte phase.
Relating to or containing matter in the form of charged atoms or groups of atoms.
2. A device containing two conducting electrodes, one positive and the other negative, made of dissimilar materials (usually metals) that are immersed in a chemical solution (electrolyte) that transmits positive ions from the negative to the positive electrode and so forms an electrical charge.One or more cells result in a battery.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
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“electrochemical cell”
electrochemical cell
A device containing two conducting electrodes, one positive and the other negative, made of dissimilar materials (usually metals) that are immersed in a chemical solution (electrolyte) that transmits positive ions from the negative to the positive electrode and thus forms an electrical charge.
One or more cells constitute a battery.